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    Sunkun Technology Service hotline  
    Location:Home > Support

    The UV light source matters needing attention and maintenanc

    Time:2016-04-17 16:37Source:sankunClick: Number

    Using UV light source matters needing attention and maintenance

    A, use matters needing attention
     1) must be equipped with corresponding specification of the transformer and capacitor;
     2) must use anhydrous ethanol before use clean surface of tube, it is forbidden to touch by hand directly;
     3) tube produced by high pressure mercury vapor discharge strong long wave violet radiation (main line is 365 nm);
     4) strong ultraviolet ray can burn the eyes and skin, use should be avoided in the light of direct illuminate;
     5) tube accidental damage, leading to the mercury vapour distribution, field personnel must leave immediately, make the scene ventilated 20-30 minutes, to prevent the mercury vapour being sucked into the body and cause poisoning; Safe to clear in time field, recovery of mercury can be reserved for experimental material. 6) buy the shade seal preservation, avoid direct light.

    B, the processing, maintenance and guarantee
      All quartz tubes in front of the package transportation will carefully cleaning steps. If handled with care, (for example: the lamp body without fingerprints), can be used when opened the package. If the direct contact with the tube with both hands, the application of deionized water or industrial alcohol slightly wet paper towels, carefully wipe the lamp, with a dry towel to dry bulb. According to the needs, should also be regularly clean tube and reflector. Especially when the tube surface is stained with more when other attachments should be clean. If cannot be handled in a timely manner, will lead to premature tube losing the transparency and will influence the working effect.
      The life of the tube is composed of many factors, such as the number of lamps, and working time after every lamps, operation data of electricity and heat as well as to the lamp is handled well. All mercury and metal halide lamp, if in normal operating conditions, will have their production quality assurance. The vast majority of water silver solid lamp will be according to the different situation, have different hours of work.

    C, attached: keep the UV lamp life skills
    1. Too often light
      The first thing to avoid too often is the lamp of the cold start. When a bulb light beginning, internal voltage is very low. On both ends of the electrodes in this period of time will emit tungsten, this will make many dot pollutants inside the tubes, one of the reasons for the premature failure become tubes. So, should be under the condition of high voltage lighting, lamps and shorten time. Too often lamps can also lead to early to black on both ends of the tube, gradually affect the lamp body will turn black, finally lead to a drop tube power output. Because of these reasons, we suggest that in any case, a light as far as possible to finish all the work.
    2. Check the reflector and the cooling system
      In order to keep the tubes and the machine's maximum power, should always check whether the reflector of the machine is clean, whether the deformation because of radiant heat tube, and should be replaced periodically reflector. Blocking filter and accumulation in the leaves of the blower fan dirt block the flow and reduce the cooling effect of the wind. But if the lamp working temperature overheating, will reduce working voltage and the output power. So should be regular replacement filter and cleaning fan blades, which not only can effectively improve the cooling environment, and can prevent the tubes prolapse. Sometimes tubes already sagging in without being noticed, so regular round tubes will be conducive to maintaining tube shape.
    3. Be careful to install the UV lamp
      In order to extend the lamp life, should be careful to follow the O.E.M. installation instructions. For example, should be avoided with finger grease on the tube. Installation personnel application paper towel clean or wearing gloves. We also recommend using alcohol to wipe the tube surface to keep it clean. Ensure that tube and machine compact connection at both ends and no corrosion is also very important. If the machine is designed to use spring set to install the lamp, (for example Hanovia type), you must ensure that the shape of the spring set of good, spring tension moderately and tube surface clean. During the running of the machine, tube heat could make the reflector, shorten or bent, so can't install the lamp too loose or too tight, so that the reflectors changes affect the light tube, to the cause of tube rupture. If no lead terminal on both ends of the tube, when installation should be more careful. If the machine is to use the metal clip device connected to the tube, so shall ensure that the connection of a tight and clean. Usually, most of the machines will allow some telescopic room for such a device. Obviously, if the machine is to use spring tube clamp device, it must ensure the spring piece good elasticity. But most of the time using the device types of lamp belong to small exposure lamp, that also will not involve the issue of expansion deformation.

    TAG:UV light(45)