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    The ventilation system of uv light solid machine is how to w

    Time:2016-04-12 16:46Source:sankunClick: Number
      The ventilation system of uv light solid machine is how to work?
      Ventilation system is an important part of uv light solid machine, it is composed of blower, air ducts, get together the wind shield. So we use light solid unit how to do it properly ventilated? Good uv light solid machine professional manufacturer xin da prompts you to pay attention to the following three points.
      1. The selection of the fan according to the UV lamp power and the actual situation of housing space. General distribution and two wind turbine wind, but there are only equipped with a wind fan. Fan power is not enough, not enough leads to exhaust air temperature inside the case, lamp life shortened, melt, even also make curing product quality difficult to guarantee; Air volume of fan power if too large, will make the temperature inside the case is too low, the UV lamp can not work at full power, curing is not easy to dry.
      2. Air volume control refers to the air volume uv light solid machine should be adjustable. This is because want to consider the summer and winter temperature difference is very big, many factories do not have a constant temperature workshop, so if the UV curing devices with the same air in winter and summer work will affect the quality of the products. Usually use the method of temperature control to control two fan, reaches a certain temperature is automatically restart a fan, to reach a certain temperature and then start another fan, and shifting is set on the exhaust and the air inlet valve to control the intake and exhaust air volume.
      3. The exhaust air way is to take on lead wind supply air or air supply on the wind, etc. But either way, don't tube of the wind blows directly to the uv light solid machine, because the consequences of doing so is to make the uv lamp for heat loss is too big and not full power work (changed from white to not dazzling light blue), make the ink doesn't dry.

      Buy drying UV curing equipment choice of the three generations and technology professional UV machine manufacturers, has many years of production experience, first-class service, is your rest assured choice, three generations and 10 years of science and technology focus on UV machine, UV lamp, roller coating machine, portable UV light curing machine, UV curing r&d and production of machinery and equipment. Website: http://www.szxhuv.com/

    TAG:UV machine(101)